Moldavite is a tektite; it is a rare olive green substance that is glass-like in appearance. A tektite is formed when a meteorite hits the earth and large amounts of sand and debris are thrown high into orbit in the stratosphere. This material then re-enters the atmosphere and falls back to the earth. As it re-enters, it is subjected to high temperatures. A glasslike material is formed from the falling debris that is called a tektite. Moldavite is a form of tektite, it gets its name from the area in Moldavia where it is found. Scientists believe the moldavite was formed from a meteorite impact 14.8 million years ago. It was a very large meteorite as moldavite debris is spread out over hundreds of miles. Although the area to find moldavite is large, it is becoming more difficult to find every year. Due to this, the price of moldavite keeps going up as the stone gains popularity while simultaneously becoming scarce. Pieces are sought after by collectors and others drawn to the mysterious stone.
Originally found in the Moldau River in Czechoslovakia, most Moldavite is currently being mined in the Czech Republic. Moldavite may be found in surrounding areas as well, including Moldavia, Bohemia, Austria, and Germany.
Moldavite is said to be a stone of spiritual and personal positive transformation.
Peridot has been prized since ancient times. Its history can be traced back to the ancient Egyptians who used the stone. Hawaiian legends called the stone “divine tears”; the green stones were believed to have been wept by Pele, the goddess of the volcano. Peridot has long been enjoyed as August's birthstone.
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